Can-Do Kosher! A Quick and Concise Guide to Becoming Kosher

Can-Do Kosher! A Quick and Concise Guide to Becoming Kosher

Everything You Need to Know in a Convenient Pocket-Sized Handbook

Brand-new, revised and expanded pocket version! This brief yet concise DIY guide on becoming and keeping kosher is a handy information-packed book that makes the often complex world of the kosher Jewish dietary laws accessible to anyone who would like to keep them. It fits easily into a pocket or purse to carry with you whenever you need it.

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About the Book

Can Do Kosher!” is a brief yet concise DIY guide to becoming and keeping kosher. The main goal of this handy information-packed book is to make the often complex world of the Jewish dietary laws accessible to anyone who would like to keep them. This brand-new, revised and expanded pocket version! This brief yet concise DIY guide on becoming and keeping kosher is a handy information-packed book that makes the often complex world of the kosher Jewish dietary laws accessible to anyone who would like to keep them. It fits easily into a pocket or purse to carry with you whenever you need it. The author relates the information in simple-to-understand and easy-to-apply formats, explaining the logic behind what is being practiced.

Endeavoring to be all-inclusive, the author presents information that applies to several different Jewish customs, unlike a majority of Kosher books mainly geared for those with European Jewish backgrounds.

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Author: Chasya Katriela Eshkol
Genres: Halacha, Helpful Guides and Instruction, Judaism, Kosher Food, Non-Fiction, Torah
Publisher: Tovim Press
Publication Year: 2018
Format: Paperback and e-Book
Length: 24 pages
ISBN: 9780999478639

List Price: $11.99
eBook Price: $11.99
"This book answers all your questions and is well written. A must-have in your kitchen, if you are becoming kosher."
– Mrs. Joanne Schwab
"Very well written and put together! The best summary I've ever read... I love the frankness and the humor you have added to it."
– Rebbetzin Esther Allouche
Chasya Katriela Eshkol

Chasya Katriela Eshkol is the Executive Director and founder of The Yoshon Network Inc., a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated solely to the mitzvah of keeping yashan. She has written articles for Jewish Spirit Magazine for the Cincinnati Community Kollel, created articles and poetry for the Cincinnati Jewish Women’s Journal, pen and ink drawings, the Pet Pride Inc. newsletter, and previously created word and crossword puzzles for The Morris Report. Her first published book was Can Do Kosher! A Quick and Concise Guide to Becoming Kosher, and is not likely to be the last.

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