“Can Do Kosher!” is a brief yet concise DIY guide to becoming and keeping kosher. The main goal of this handy information-packed book is to make the often complex world of the Jewish dietary laws accessible to anyone who would like to keep them. This brand-new, revised and expanded pocket version! This brief yet concise DIY guide on becoming and keeping kosher is a handy information-packed book that makes the often complex world of the kosher Jewish dietary laws accessible to anyone who would like to keep them. It fits easily into a pocket or purse to carry with you whenever you need it. The author relates the information in simple-to-understand and easy-to-apply formats, explaining the logic behind what is being practiced.
Endeavoring to be all-inclusive, the author presents information that applies to several different Jewish customs, unlike a majority of Kosher books mainly geared for those with European Jewish backgrounds.
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