Rabbi Dovid Cohen coordinated halachic policy for the OU Kashrus Department for 7 years before moving to Chicago in 2006 where he joined the cRc as Administrative Rabbinic Coordinator.
Rabbi Cohen is a consummate professional, whose knack for fully understanding highly varied and complicated subject matter is truly unique. His encyclopedic knowledge of Jewish law and his ability to explain things completely and clearly makes him a colleague whose expertise is always in demand…
Tevillas Keilim
The classic halachos of tevillas keilim as they apply to modern utensils and situations. Arranged according to the order of Shulchan Aruch YD 120 & 202.
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Halachos of Insects
A systematic analysis of Shulchan Aruch YD 84 as a means towards developing appropriate methods of vegetable washing and inspection.
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Pas Yisroel & Bishul Yisroel
Modern-day Applications of the Halachos of Food Prepared by a Non-Jew. Arranged according to the order of Shulchan Aruch YD 112-113.
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