Book Table
Man-Made – Three out of Four
Man-Made – Two a New Life
Man-Made – One of a Kind
Uniquely Kosher

Uniquely Kosher


Living up to its title, read and discover how to turn virtually any recipe into a kosher delicacy. It has something for everyone. See what makes this book "Uniquely Kosher"!

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Vintage Grain: The Mitzvah of Keeping Yashan (Hardcover)

Vintage Grain: The Mitzvah of Keeping Yashan (Hardcover)


The first book that has ever been written strictly on the subject of how to "keep yashan". It explains every needed detail. It's for the newcomer to the mitzvah [Jewish law] as well as those in the kosher food industry who want to cater to a stricter standard. Pictures, charts and clear explanations educate and entertain. You too can "reap" the benefits of "Vintage Grain"!

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Vintage Grain: The Mitzvah of Keeping Yashan (Paperback)

Vintage Grain: The Mitzvah of Keeping Yashan (Paperback)

$19.37eBook: $16.99

The first book written on how to "keep yashan" explains every needed detail. It's for the newcomer to the mitzvah as well as those in the kosher food industry who want to cater to a stricter standard. Pictures, charts and clear explanations educate and entertain. You too can "reap" the benefits of "Vintage Grain".

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Hands-on How-to’s for the Home and Heart

Hands-on How-to’s for the Home and Heart


Tova Younger presents the ultimate book for any Jewish home containing over three hundred pages of useful and practical information, advice, handy tips, and recipes. See why famous authors and lecturers such as Rebbetzins Tzipporah Heller and Yehudis Samet give this book rave reviews! If you are looking for the perfect gift, this is the book to give! It is sure to be a mainstay for any Jewish household, from brides to bubbys.

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Can-Do Kosher! A Quick and Concise Guide to Becoming Kosher

Can-Do Kosher! A Quick and Concise Guide to Becoming Kosher

$11.99eBook: $11.99

Brand-new, revised and expanded pocket version! This brief yet concise DIY guide on becoming and keeping kosher is a handy information-packed book that makes the often complex world of the kosher Jewish dietary laws accessible to anyone who would like to keep them. It fits easily into a pocket or purse to carry with you whenever you need it.

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My Street: Memories and Reflections

My Street: Memories and Reflections

$18.00eBook: $9.99

We all occasionally look back to our childhood, feel and relive our early memories. I gathered these fragments to answer questions from my children, but I also reflect on how these experiences influenced my life. Now I’m sharing them with you—my friends. Here’s northern New Jersey from 1941-1955.

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The Siberian Cat

The Siberian Cat

$18.99eBook: $7.99

Over 100 beautiful color pictures enhance this wonderful book. If you want to learn all about the Siberian Cat breed, this book is for you!

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Tevillas Keilim

Tevillas Keilim


The classic halachos of tevillas keilim as they apply to modern utensils and situations. Arranged according to the order of Shulchan Aruch YD 120 & 202.
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Halachos of Insects

Halachos of Insects


A systematic analysis of Shulchan Aruch YD 84 as a means towards developing appropriate methods of vegetable washing and inspection.
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Pas Yisroel & Bishul Yisroel

Pas Yisroel & Bishul Yisroel


Modern-day Applications of the Halachos of Food Prepared by a Non-Jew. Arranged according to the order of Shulchan Aruch YD 112-113.
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A Practical Guide to the Laws of Kashrut

A Practical Guide to the Laws of Kashrut


This concise and useful book of Hilchot Kashrut is specially crafted for the modern Jewish home. Researched and written by Rabbi Pinchas Cohen, a faculty member at Yeshivat Har Etzion in Alon Shevut, Israel, it covers a range of frequently asked questions, such as: Can one use a dishwasher for both milk and meat dishes? and What is Glatt Kosher? A Practical Guide to the Laws of Kashrut is a comprehensive guide for those setting out to make a Kosher kitchen, and a valuable reference for those more informed about Kashrut issues.

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Inside the Yeshiva

Inside the Yeshiva


Yeshivah life is a thrilling journey with endless potential for growth. But it can be hard to maintain the incredible geshmak and enthusiasm. Are you prepared to give it your all? This groundbreaking guide speaks straight to the yeshivah bachur, empowering him with a solid understanding of highly relevant topics, such as staying motivated in shiur and avoiding burnout, choosing the right chavrusa and connecting to rabbeim, and dealing with dating, homesickness, self-esteem, and more. Being a ben Torah is a challenge, an opportunity, and most importantly, a privilege. Popular educator Rabbi Mordechai Sultan invites you to take a step Inside the Yeshivah — and get the most out of your amazing and irreplaceable yeshivah years.

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Divrei Nechemiah Volume I: The insights of Rabbi Nechemiah Kibel zt”l on the Parshah (Volume 1)

Divrei Nechemiah Volume I: The insights of Rabbi Nechemiah Kibel zt”l on the Parshah (Volume 1)


A compilation of Rabbi Nechemiah Kibel's dynamic lectures on the Parshah and Navi, delivered at RITSS High School in Cincinnati, Ohio.

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Forty Days and Forty Nights, Rain, Rain, Rain

Forty Days and Forty Nights, Rain, Rain, Rain


Read about Noah's struggles on the ark with mischievous monkeys, voracious ants, battling ostriches weeping penguins and howling coyotes. Plus, the book comes with a CD of an original song, "Forty Days and Forty Nights, Rain, Rain, Rain" and a dramatic reading of the book.

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My First Board Book Set

My First Board Book Set


My First Board Book Set. By B.C. Edelman. Learn Alef Beis, Brachos and about the Yomim Tovim with this adorable board book gift set!. These three adorable board books by B.C. Edelman teach young children their Jewish basics -- Alef Beis, making brachos (blessings), and familiarizing them with the Yomim Tovim (Jewish holidays) -- using cute and helpful photo images.. By B.C. Edelman. 3 Board books in slipcase | 7" x 8.5" | ISBN 9781607631408. Also available individually.

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Painting Zaidy’s Dream: Memoir of a Searching Soul

Painting Zaidy’s Dream: Memoir of a Searching Soul


How does a nice, atheist, suburban girl become a chicken-soup-toting, kabbalah-quoting, Chassidic mother of a large family? From childhood, Miriam longed for something more...

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The Tired Purple Dragon, a Red Dog and the Unhappy Clown

The Tired Purple Dragon, a Red Dog and the Unhappy Clown

$0.99-$2.99eBook: $0.99-$2.99

A collection of three short children's stories combined in one ebook. "A Tired Purple Dragon": Andy is fed up with his little brother Michael tagging along after him and his friends and decides to lose him. Hours later Michael cannot be found and Andy is being questioned by the police.
"A Red Dog": Mr. Grotsky loses his wallet when a red dog rips off his pocket. Best friends Daniel and Nathan find the wallet containing $200 and now their friendship is endangered.
"The Unhappy Clown" is the story of Alex whose classmates call him clowny. An encounter with a very sick hospitalized boy teaches Alex that being a clown is a good thing.

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Are You Connecting?

Are You Connecting?


We have heard about dveykus, usually translated as attachment to Hashem, and we think that such a state is reserved only for the supremely righteous. But a better translation for dveykus is probably connection. And we can all connect powerfully to Hashem in our own way. "Dveykus to Hashem includes thinking of Hashem and His love constantly. One's thoughts should not separate from Him." (Rambam, Devorim 11:22) Of course, there are lower and higher levels of dveykus but whenever we think of Hashem we connect with Him and we are involved in dveykus. This book was written to help us become more connected to Hashem in our daily lives. Much more than we think, dveykus is within our reach!

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Shabbos in My Soul

Shabbos in My Soul


Shabbos in My Soul 70 Powerful Lessons to Illuminate the Shabbos Experience How can we bring the holy day of Shabbos closer to our hearts - and souls? Shabbos is one of the most central parts of our lives. Do we really appreciate it? Do we yearn for it? Do we really feel it in our souls? This collection of stories, insights, and divrei chizuk from gedolim and Chazal gives us precious words of wisdom to help us learn how we can strengthen our Shabbos observance, and bring the holy day of Shabbos closer to our hearts and our souls.

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Forever His Students

Forever His Students


What do our possessions really do for us? Are all men created equal? How do I fulfill the commandment to love G-d? Is competition healthy for kids? In this profoundly inspiring collection of Torah essays, Rabbi Boruch Leff addresses these questions and more. With a practical, down-to-earth approach inspired by the author's beloved mentor, HaRav Yaakov Weinberg, zt"l, who served as rosh hayeshivah of Yeshivas Ner Yisrael in Baltimore.

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More Shabbos in My Soul

More Shabbos in My Soul


What a pleasure to learn that tasting Shabbos foods on erev Shabbos is actually a mitzvah! In his new book, More Shabbos in My Soul, Rabbi Boruch Leff once again turns the ordinary into extraordinary by reminding us how to infuse passion into our weekly preparations and observance of Shabbos.

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Are You Growing?

Are You Growing?


Let's Grow! This Book Shows You How! We all want to maximize our lives on this earth, but the question is How? This book gives succinct answers to this question, and in an upbeat, practical style that empowers the reader to truly grow. Based on the popular weekly column in Yated Ne'eman, 'Growing with Passion', this book offers powerful insights that boost spiritual growth immensely, written with the premise that we all must grow, no matter how old we are and where we are in life. Read it and get growing!

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A New Shabbos Soul

A New Shabbos Soul


Do you want to add spiritual power to your Shabbos?
Do you want to feel Shabbos in your soul?
Do you want to appreciate Shabbos like never before?
Then, read this book! Rabbi Boruch Leff, columnist at Yated Ne'eman and at, has been writing about Shabbos weekly for almost ten years. His first two volumes, Shabbos in My Soul and More Shabbos in My Soul, were read and enjoyed by many thousands of people who became very inspired to live in a holier fashion on Shabbos. This is the third volume of Rabbi Leff's Shabbos growth insights which should be read and then sealed into your heart.
Read A New Shabbos Soul and experience Shabbos totally anew!

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My First Yom Tov Board Book

My First Yom Tov Board Book


A great way to introduce your toddler to the Jewish holidays!

Give your toddler a phenomenal head start learning about the Jewish holidays with this adorable book! Vivid images and a host of friendly faces bring the holidays to life!

BONUS ACTIVITY! Find the "Yiddel" character hiding on every page!

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Alef Beis Board Book

Alef Beis Board Book


A great way to introduce your toddler to the Alef Beis!

Give your toddler a phenomenal head start learning the Alef Beis with this adorable book! Vivid images and a host of friendly faces bring the letters of the Hebrew alphabet to life!

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Brachos Board Book

Brachos Board Book


A great way to introduce your toddler to Brachos!

Give your toddler a phenomenal head start learning Brachos with this adorable book! Vivid images and a host of friendly faces bring the Brachos to life!

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