Aids to increase one’s faith, prayer, or awareness of Hashem.
Are You Connecting?
We have heard about dveykus, usually translated as attachment to Hashem, and we think that such a state is reserved only for the supremely righteous. But a better translation for dveykus is probably connection. And we can all connect powerfully to Hashem in our own way. "Dveykus to Hashem includes thinking of Hashem and His love constantly. One's thoughts should not separate from Him." (Rambam, Devorim 11:22) Of course, there are lower and higher levels of dveykus but whenever we think of Hashem we connect with Him and we are involved in dveykus. This book was written to help us become more connected to Hashem in our daily lives. Much more than we think, dveykus is within our reach!
More info →Shabbos in My Soul
Shabbos in My Soul 70 Powerful Lessons to Illuminate the Shabbos Experience How can we bring the holy day of Shabbos closer to our hearts - and souls? Shabbos is one of the most central parts of our lives. Do we really appreciate it? Do we yearn for it? Do we really feel it in our souls? This collection of stories, insights, and divrei chizuk from gedolim and Chazal gives us precious words of wisdom to help us learn how we can strengthen our Shabbos observance, and bring the holy day of Shabbos closer to our hearts and our souls.
More info →Forever His Students
What do our possessions really do for us? Are all men created equal? How do I fulfill the commandment to love G-d? Is competition healthy for kids? In this profoundly inspiring collection of Torah essays, Rabbi Boruch Leff addresses these questions and more. With a practical, down-to-earth approach inspired by the author's beloved mentor, HaRav Yaakov Weinberg, zt"l, who served as rosh hayeshivah of Yeshivas Ner Yisrael in Baltimore.
More info →More Shabbos in My Soul
What a pleasure to learn that tasting Shabbos foods on erev Shabbos is actually a mitzvah! In his new book, More Shabbos in My Soul, Rabbi Boruch Leff once again turns the ordinary into extraordinary by reminding us how to infuse passion into our weekly preparations and observance of Shabbos.
More info →Are You Growing?
Let's Grow! This Book Shows You How! We all want to maximize our lives on this earth, but the question is How? This book gives succinct answers to this question, and in an upbeat, practical style that empowers the reader to truly grow. Based on the popular weekly column in Yated Ne'eman, 'Growing with Passion', this book offers powerful insights that boost spiritual growth immensely, written with the premise that we all must grow, no matter how old we are and where we are in life. Read it and get growing!
More info →A New Shabbos Soul
Do you want to add spiritual power to your Shabbos?
Do you want to feel Shabbos in your soul?
Do you want to appreciate Shabbos like never before?
Then, read this book! Rabbi Boruch Leff, columnist at Yated Ne'eman and at, has been writing about Shabbos weekly for almost ten years. His first two volumes, Shabbos in My Soul and More Shabbos in My Soul, were read and enjoyed by many thousands of people who became very inspired to live in a holier fashion on Shabbos. This is the third volume of Rabbi Leff's Shabbos growth insights which should be read and then sealed into your heart.
Read A New Shabbos Soul and experience Shabbos totally anew!